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Aug 28, 2020

Eddie Speed knows how to architect a deal like the back of his hand. For almost 40 years, he has purchased more than 40,000 notes and the NoteSchool executive team has bought 3.5 billion dollars in notes.

Since 1980, W. Eddie Speed has dedicated his professional life to the seller financing and non-performing...

Aug 27, 2020

What questions do fund lenders avoid? Those are the ones we tackle each week.

Why do national Hard Money/Private Money lenders all seem to have the same or similar “box” guidelines?

Why do you charge an extension fee? Great questions!

Carolina Capital Management's Bill Fairman, Wendy Sweet, and Jonathan Davis are...

Aug 20, 2020

Chandler George

Catchfire Coaching

As a Chiropractor for over 25 years, Dr. Chandler George, CEO of Ageless Energy Health, has studied holistic medicine all around the world and has a love for helping people. He has also spoken at many venues around the nation on holistic...

Aug 20, 2020

#1 What is the current & future status/outlook of Carolina Capitol Mgmt regarding investments, interest rates paid, quality & diversity of projects, average loan size, performance, delinquencies & defaults?

#2 Under what circumstances would you be willing to provide 100% financing where the borrower comes to closing...

Aug 18, 2020

What happens to my investment if the borrower stops paying or is delayed in paying?

Why all of a sudden is there a credit check for hard money? If a corporation is asking to borrow money why does the CEO have to show their credit score and pay stubs?

How Safe is Your Investment?

Carolina Capital is a hard money lender...